Sunday, November 22, 2009

The search for Mr. Right....

I know I've said this before, but I really thought dating was supposed to be fun.... Well it's not.

I saw a guy again this weekend that I had previously saw a couple months ago. He is very kind and gentle. He has a good job making lots of money, however he lives in Peoria so that he can be closer to his work. I went there to see him this weekend. Well I just was not comfortable around him. I found myself comparing him to Michael. Yes, Michael the guy that I have dated twice now.... Michael is just such an amazing man, he really is. I just wish I had that great connection with him. Maybe every time we tried dating I was trying to rush things?? I have never felt as comfortable with anyone else as I do with him.

This past Monday I had to go to Decatur to have a root canal done. I asked him if he could give me directions since he used to live in Decatur. Well, he not only gave me directions he wanted to take me. He said he was off work that day and would like to see me and to be able to take me. He is so SWEET. After all that I have put him through he is still there for me no matter what.

I was telling some of my friends at work that he was wanting to take me to the dentist. One of them said to me... you know what will happen someday... I said what. She said someday you two will get married. ;-)

I don't know though... As much as I do really like him... always have and have fallen for him numerous times, there was always something that would sneak up and stop me from falling completely in love with him. Plus, I don't know if he would ever take me back... and I wouldn't blame him one bit either.

So, that's it for my dating life right now. Maybe I had already found Mr. Right and didn't ever realize it......

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