Thursday, September 11, 2008


Well let me start with I was on a date with Michael again this past Saturday we went to dinner first then went and watched his cousin play football, and then went back and rented some movies to watch. I had a really good time!! But while we were sitting watching a movie Dave called to tell Carter goodnight. Well I haven't told Dave that I was seeing anyone…. So when he asked if Carter was around I had to tell him I was on a date and he would have to call home if he wanted to tell Carter goodnight. So then on I believe it was Monday Dave called me and he has had to call the cops on Lisa cause she is going crazy… she said she is going to trash everything in his apt and kill his bird…. She also quit her job that morning cause she said she was better then that. Well then on Tuesday Dave went again to the police dept to file another report and to see how to get her out of his apt. They said he has to file a 5 day eviction notice to get her out since she is refusing to leave. I guess he went back home and she was threatening him that she was going to have someone come over and kill him while he was sleeping. So he once again called the police and filed another report. They told him he needed to get out and go stay with someone or go and get a hotel or they could see if there was a homeless shelter he could stay at. They told him to file an order of protection against her and she will be served with it on Friday and she will have to get out. So he came to Springfield to stay. So for the first time in over 2 months Carter got to see his Dad last night. I took him by the hotel and we stayed for about 30 minutes.

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