Monday, January 14, 2008


The past two nights I have been dreaming about Dave and being back together with him. I do miss him. But, I could never go back to him after all the infidelity ~ Adultery that has gone on with him.

I am so tired of being alone. It is lonely and sad. I sit and I think about how he is now living with his girlfriend. How happy they are and how much fun they must be having.... how she is now living what should be my life. IT SUCKS. I HATE IT.

Oh how I wish Dave would have taken our wedding vows seriously like I did. Why did he have to venture out.... he said he didn't feel that he was my number 1. Him and Carter were my life.

I want to be happy again. I want a family again. All of this just isn't fair. Why does he keep winning and getting everything he wants.

I need to get away.....

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